Meet the residents: Megan Elizabeth Taylor

Hello there!

So this month I began my post as Illustrator in Residence at Edinburgh College of Art. Having graduated two years ago, it still feels a little strange yet wonderful to be in an academic, busy studio environment. So far, I absolutely love it.

I have spent the past few weeks getting back into the swing of life drawing, and I find having two and a half hours each Monday morning really sets me up for the rest of the week!

Every other day, I am fully committed to working on my long-term project to ‘dissect’ space, architecture, time and narrative in existing films through drawing and animation. My ambition with this project is to take the experimental drawings I create throughout the year, and put them back into film space and time, by painting directly onto a television thus creating new narratives and an experimental animation from something pre-existing. I am really excited about it, and have been experimenting with rule-based drawing using gouache on acetate.

megan 1                    megan 2

If you would like to see more of my work or processes, visit

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