Meet the Residents: Sorcha Fitzgerald

Hello! For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Sorcha and I have just graduated from ECA this year.

I feel like my residency has kicked off to a good start. At the end of September, I helped a group of the 4th years run an afternoon workshop at Portobello High School as part of their Literary Festival. The aim was to give them an idea of what Illustration is (an ambitious thing to do in a two hour workshop!) We started off by playing Game of Consequences, partly because it is a great excuse to play a fun game, but also to demonstrate the strong connection illustration has to storytelling and how words and images can both feed each other when creating narratives. Later on we asked the students to draw each other expressing various emotions. They seemed to really enjoy the workshop and it was great to see all the exciting and playful images that they made.

In terms of my own work, I have been spending most of my time in the print room. My main focus for this year is to just continue experimenting with various print processes whilst I have access to these amazing facilities. I have mainly been mono printing, which has been great after not doing it to four months. I also want to experiment more with screen printing and see how some of my handmade, textural drawings are translated through this medium. I am excited to see how my work will develop over the course of the year.




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